The new tecnology

In the recent years, there have been a lot of changes in tecnology. One of these, for exemple, is the introduction of the Webs 2.0. Like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Apple is one of the trends that revolutionized our society. They have created the Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, Mac, etc...etc...

Probably in the future everybody will have an Iphone, with Internet connection all the day, or a Ipad in the house, for exemple. I know that everybody can't buy an Iphone or a great mobile phone, but I'd love that in the future, these products could more cheaper.

In my opinion, mobile phones will be better in the future, with more applications and more innovations. I'm very impatcient!

Joan Vicente Armengol


Tecnology has changed a lot in the lasts 20 years.
When our parents were young, they didn't have computers and their mobiles phones were more simple than the ones we have. As soon as the first computers were designed, people got interested in the subject and started doing research for improving them. Then, as a result of the first devices' popularity, industry started producing more electrical appliances.
Nowadays, we have a high number of those machines but this is nothing compared to the number we will have in the future.
There are some articles explaining the mobiles development, and they say we will wear our phones on our wrists like we do now with watches.
Sergio Gutiérrez and Ari Pelegrí

holocaust chat

Yesterday, the president of the Catalan organization came to Maristes' theatre and he told us about the Jewish history and holocaust.
First, we watched a video which showed the American's victory, after the video our history teacher introduced Uriel (the jewish man). Uriel what was his job, where he lives and other information.

Then, he explained us how Hitler became President and how he achieved it. Hitler slowly convinced German people to separate from  jewish people because they weren't as good as the rest of Germans. First, Jewish people had to move to the guettos. But later, they were gathered in work fields, they couldn't live like normal people.

Uriel, also explained us that Nazis scientifics made experimets with children and pregnant women.

Later, Uriel showed us another video abaut how the Nazi government decided the planning of the holocaust.
then, he asked is any body had a question, but nobody had one.

Pau Bonet, Octavi Pérez, Marina Paredes.

Víctor Eli

 My old English

My first English classes were in primary school with teacher Anne. I don’t remember what they were about, but just that we did games with  colours and we listened to music about the parts of the body and some pictures about the animals and the weather.
Teacher Anne was so funny and we liked a lot her classe.

My favourite language

The language that I like was French.
I’ ve learnt this in the school since I was 12 years, my teacher was Esther Montoy.
The classes were very funny and I enjoyed a lot learning French. We did a lot exams about verbal tenses and we did projects about French famous people.


I arrived to english class this monday, and the computer didn't go. I moved to another one, but internet didn't go. I was very asleep. Then, Neill take me to another one, a Macintosh, only for teachers. I was trying to enter the typicall 4esomagazine page, and another way, the links were crashed. Finally Neill said to me that I had to write a blog and post it. And this is what I have done.
I'm listening the speaking corner conversations, which are very intersting.

My first English teacher

My first experience in this World was when i was 5 years old. My first experience was in p-5 with teacher Ane. In my first English class we practiced parts of the body. The most interesting language experience was when we traveled by plane to London because in London one person asked me a question and I knew how to answer, if it was a great full experience. Now I am in academy this year and. I am studying to pass the exam and  have a diploma to put it in my curriculum vitae.
I think that learning English and languages is a good experience to know thinks and to understand the world. In nowadays English is one of the most important languages with English you can now around the world.

Marc and cris.

My learning in English

When arrived in the class Neil was waiting for  us .Neil wanted to play a game. This game consisted not to say ``yes´´ or ``not´´. This class was very funny because Neil was a very Good player in this game and we didn’t win but Jordi Tersa almost won Neil , he spend about 10 or 15 min speaking with Neil.

One of the best experiences in my life was one day in the beach with my friends. That day we met 3 Russian girls (very beautiful women) one said to me that I was very handsome. We laughed a lot.