Lately, in the news, the only things we hear are related with the possible freedom of Catalonia.

Every time we switch on the TV, it comes to be the same: a discussion about what is going to happen in the future with Catalonia. There are many opinions from the extremely opposite position of “PP” and “Ciutadans” and the other ones from “Junts pel Sí” and “CUP”. How is that going to affect the citizens of Catalonia?

We are not a hundred per cent sure but we think that the best thing we can do is to show everyone’s opinion. Some of them are totally agree that our life would be better if we weren’t part of Spain. The main reasons are: we wouldn’t pay so much money (that at the end is not always returned) or we could express our language and culture without being judged.

The other opinion about this topic is extremely different. They argue that Catalonia wouldn’t be a part of EU because without Spain, Catalonia means nothing.

Our conclusion is that both sides have to be respected because both opinions have their arguments, however, we are free to choose the opinion that sweats us more.