It is the last course of ESO, when you end this course you choose two ways: To do batxillerat this level is for two years,and you can do different branches: scienst,social,humanistic, teconologic, artistical... In the two courses of this level you have to work hard because you'll do an exam, and depending of the mark you'll enter to the university or not.
To work if you don't have the ESO, or you pass the ESO with a low mark, you can search a job but it is so difficult, because any person wants you because you haven't got studies.
For the moment for us 4rth of ESO is so easy but we have to study more than the last year.Every person can choose three subjects different from the rest of the class an this subjects you choose, depend on the batxillerat that you want to do.
We hope that this will be a nice course.
Is very interesant!