After the ESO, the students can go to the batxillerat and if they want, they can go to work. Another way is to do a formative module, first you have to do a medium module and after this the superior module, this way has less possibilities than the batxillerat.

Batxillerat is the next period after ESO. The students that want to do this way have to study for two years to get batxillerat. There are different A levels: The social A level, the technological A level, that has a lot of ways, like engineering, architecture… The scientific A level, that has different ways, like medicine, chemistry, to work in laboratories… The scientific-technologic that is a mixture of the scientific A level and the technological A level. The artistic A level, that you have to do if you want to be a painter, sculptor, designer… The humanistic A level, is for studing history, languages… And later, you can also be a teacher.


1 comment:

  1. We think that Batxillerat is the best method to acces a career and then to get a good job.
