We read this book last month. The title of the book is "Sin noticias de Gurb" wrote by Eduardo Mendoza, a catalan writer. He was born in Barcelona. We read it because our mothers recommended it to us.
"Sin noticias de Gurb" is a funny book about two aliens who landed in Barcelona and they took different ways of lives.The main character is all time serching his friend. The protagonist has a bad live and Gurb is rich and very posh. When they have to leave the Earth, the main character doesn't want it because he falls in love.
We liked the book because its very funny. Our normal things are strange for their lives.
Eduard Rodríguez and Joan Bertrand, 4 eso A
News, anecdotes, everything explained and written by our students of 4th ESO.
The boy with the stripped pajama
The reason of reading this book was: We had an exam of it
the last Thursday, concretely in the Spanish subject. And also because it’s a
nice book
It’s a book of the second world war, and it’s about a boy
who moves to Auschwitz , because his father was
a nazi general. One day he met a Jewish boy and they became friends, but one
day Bruno disappears, because he went into the concentration camp and he died. There’re
no pictures in the book.
The book’s nice but we think that the end isn’t a good end.
Pau Bonet Vall-llebrera and Octavi Pérez Moret
World of Warcraft Devastacion
The last book that i read was world of warcraft book.I read this book because i like the game.Is a book of adventures whre the character fight with the villion in a lot of battles and finally the character kill the villion and the world rest the the peace.The book was wrote by christie Goolden for his fons.Has got some pictures to reperesent the history.My opinion is that i read is the best book for me because i like the game very much
-Pull and bear: we think that this advert produces some
kinds of clothes that are very popular in people between 12-20 years old.
-Nike: we think that is a bad enterprise because the
children in poor countries work in minimum salary and they usually make sports
clothes. We feel like crumbling my feelings when we saw the children working in
hard conditions.
-Calvin Klain: our opinion is that this advert makes the
best underwear and it’s considerate one of the most rich enterprise.
Decathlon: it’s the most famous enterprise that makes the
cheapest sports clothes in Spain
and some other countries of Europe and USA
Gemma Piñero, Dani Berciano, Gerard Reig
The lord of the rings
The last book we have read was "The lord of the rings", it was the third part, The return of the king. We have read it because, after watching the film, we wanted to know more things about the famous saga. The author of the book is J. R. Tolkien. The type of book is a science fiction and adventure book. It talk about the adventures of Frodo and his battle for destroying Sauron and his ring. Our opinions are.
Max > the film is interesting and the special effects are incredible, but the book is complicated to follow.
Albert Chic > I think that the film is good but the book is better than the film because you can use more imagination.
Roger > in the book there is plenty of fantasy and action, and I love this kinds of books.
Albert Chic, Roger Cortada and Max Llovera
Max > the film is interesting and the special effects are incredible, but the book is complicated to follow.
Albert Chic > I think that the film is good but the book is better than the film because you can use more imagination.
Roger > in the book there is plenty of fantasy and action, and I love this kinds of books.
Albert Chic, Roger Cortada and Max Llovera
Atrapados en Chernobyl
Atrapados en Chernobyl
The autor of this book is Brad Parker.
This book is about a group of friends that go to a trip to Chernobyl with a russian man. When they arrives the car crashes and they remain caught in Chernobyl. On the night zombies kill the russian man and the group of friends they have to ask for help.
This book is very interesting because yo do not know what is going to happend. If you like zombies films, you will like.
This book is a horror novel.
This does not have photographies.
This we like because is a zombie book and we like this type of flims.
Dani Cots & Marc Vidal
The autor of this book is Brad Parker.
This book is about a group of friends that go to a trip to Chernobyl with a russian man. When they arrives the car crashes and they remain caught in Chernobyl. On the night zombies kill the russian man and the group of friends they have to ask for help.
This book is very interesting because yo do not know what is going to happend. If you like zombies films, you will like.
This book is a horror novel.
This does not have photographies.
This we like because is a zombie book and we like this type of flims.
Dani Cots & Marc Vidal
Yellow Carlota's diary
Yellow Carlota's diary was one of the compulsory books in 3rd ESO. It was written by Gemma Lienas, a Catalan author.
It is a diary of a girl who does an investigation about drugs and their influences on people, and she also serached some stories about real people who had taken drugs and their consequences. In the book there are a few draws explaining how the brain is affected by the drugs.
We think this book has helped us because we are growing up and we will nearly be in contact with drugs. But it's true that if we have questions about this topic we can find it in the net.
Sergio Gutiérrez and Ari Pelegrí.
It is a diary of a girl who does an investigation about drugs and their influences on people, and she also serached some stories about real people who had taken drugs and their consequences. In the book there are a few draws explaining how the brain is affected by the drugs.
We think this book has helped us because we are growing up and we will nearly be in contact with drugs. But it's true that if we have questions about this topic we can find it in the net.
Sergio Gutiérrez and Ari Pelegrí.
In our opinion fashion is very important in our lives because we are influent by clothing. We thing fashion is a way to express our ideas and thoughts.
We believe that teenagers like going shopping and buying new clothes, but we don't think that everybody likes fashion.
In extreme cases fashion can be really excessive. There are people who need to buy clothes everyday, but also there are people who never want to go shopping.
We think almost everybody likes clothing but there are some strange cases in our society.
Marian Guillen
Joan Vicente
We believe that teenagers like going shopping and buying new clothes, but we don't think that everybody likes fashion.
In extreme cases fashion can be really excessive. There are people who need to buy clothes everyday, but also there are people who never want to go shopping.
We think almost everybody likes clothing but there are some strange cases in our society.
Marian Guillen
Joan Vicente
Frena Càndia, frena!

We have read it because our Catalan
teacher has said. It’s a teen book plenty of adventures. It talks about a girl
(Càndida) who is 15 years old. In this book she has fallen in love, they have
broken her heart, she had an accident skiing…
We have enjoyed this book because
it talks about teenagers and the feelings that we also have.
Joan Clavé, Laia Querol i Víctor Vinós.
In my opinion the fashion change every year and remove the clothes because the people buy it.
I believe that not all the fashion world lives because people have their own style.
In some schools every day you can choose the clothes that you want to wear but the others can't choose it because you must wear a uniform.
In 1980 the fashion was different but in nowadays fashion is more elegant.
Júlia López, Xavier Sabaté i Éric Frias.
Do you think fashion influence is bad?
In my opinion fashion influence isn't bad, because people are happy with the new fashions and they like when a fashion changes. But, there are people that are addicted to buying clothes and changing the fashion every month, these people only think on going shopping, going shopping and going shopping! It's horrible! These people are exceptions and I think that if you control yourself, you can go shopping and change the fashion without problems.
In conclusion, fashion influence is good for our society, because people can express the way they want and wear the fashion they want.
Joan Vicente
In conclusion, fashion influence is good for our society, because people can express the way they want and wear the fashion they want.
Joan Vicente
Is advertising a waste of money?
Nowadays we can find lots of adds on TV, newspapers, streets,... But do companies waste their money on adds?
In my opinion, companies should use a part of their money to promote their products. Also there are companies wich put adds in very strange places like glasses or banches, but I think it's unnecesary.
I believe that there is too much publicity in the streets, and there should be specific places to put adds like newspapers, some webs, undergrounds...
I don't think advertising is a waste of money, but I think in some cases is really excessive or unnecesary.
Marian Guillén, 4t B.
Tommy Hilfiger
We are going to talk about the advert of Tommy Hilfiger. In this advert it appears three boys and three girls in the nature. This boys and girls are doing a lunch and they wear a beautifulls and expensive clothes. In this advert boys are strongers and the girls are slim and beautiful.
We think that all the girls wear the same clothes with the same colors that the designer says. We believe that you can choose your clothes, people who choose clothes all the bands. The archetype of this trands is the perfect boy: He was studies, he has a perfect body and blue eyes. The archetype of the girls are: girls that have blue eyes, a perfect skin and a perfect figure. This think has a problem because all the girls and boys
want to look like these boys and girls.
Cristina Alcaine and Marc Ferre
Aleix Fernández, Joan Bertrand and Edu Rodríguez.
Aleix's opinion: I think this advert is very boring because it is monotonous.
Joan's opinion: In my opinion it is poor because she is showing her boobs and underwear and it doesn't have a good argument.
Aleix's opinion: I think this advert is very boring because it is monotonous.
Joan's opinion: In my opinion it is poor because she is showing her boobs and underwear and it doesn't have a good argument.
Edu's opinion: In my mind I like the girls in it but I thing that it is a little bit provocative.
We don't like this advert because we can only see nice girls with underwear clothes and showing their bodies to everyone.
The music is very boring but the message it is true. It helps you to have better boobs and bottom. In our opinion we don't like this advert because we are boys and we don't buy girls clothes. The men only watch sexy girls and the women watch nice underwear clothes.
TV Commercial Mixta
The TV commercial that we like is the Mixta commercial. The Mixta's commercial is funny because the commercial haven't got relation with the product of Mixta.
Specially we like the first commercial of Mixta, where it appears a toy pig and a man making the pig fly and singing "Tu lo que estàs viendo es un cerdo volando".
We think that in general all Mixta's commercial are very good, they make people entretain and they are different to the others commercials.
In our opinion it's a different form of commercial and another option to have sales, making fun
Gerard Capell and Pau Sentís
New Course, new goals!
The motto this year is " Atreveix-te a mirar! " this means that we have the chance to look around us and react when we see something we can change for better , we can also take a look at us, trying to think about our pros and cons and try to do our best to change in a positive way.
This course my goals are .... to improve my English, to be a better person, to helps my colleagues, to leave peacefully and so many others that I suppose my friends have . What are your goals ? Teke a chance to look!
The Spanish Civil War was a war that enfronted the
government of the Second Spanish Republic, which had the support of left
politic groups, against the army and right-wing politic groups. It was an
historic conflict of the twentieth century where Spain suffered the military sublevation
and subsequent civil war that represented the culmination of all the
contradictions of social, political and ideological society that had been
generated in the course of previous decades.
The war began
with a military attack on 17 July 1936 at the barracks in Melilla , the next day spread in all the
state. President Santiago Casares was replaced by Jose Giral, who ordered the
distribution of weapons among the civilian population, faciliting the defeat of
the rebels in the main industrial centers, Madrid and the Mediterranean cities, but the
failure of the revolt led to a long and bloody war.
The war ended with Franco's victory on 1 of April 1939
and becoming into the dictatorship of the General.
The dictatorship was long until the dead of the
dictator Franco, the year 20 November of 1975.
Aplec of Snail
Last week we went to Aplec of Snail with some friends, it started two weeks ago i think that it started the twenty-first of May, and it was in the Camps Elisis.

Finally we decided that the next year we are going to create a penya with all our friends, because we did a reflection: if you haven't got a "penya" you have no party. Otherwise, is very difficult to create a "penya" so we need people; we encourage you to participate in, you only have to call to this number: 665071813,this is Maria Serveto's telephone number, if you need something, you should call her!!
Àngel Pardina & Isarn Martí.
Olympic Games
This year, the Olympic Games are going to be organised in London. It's a very ancient tradition, because it was first organised by the Ancient Greeks. But nowadays it's not an annual competition, it's done every four years, and there are lots of different sports.

Some of this sports are: tennis, swimming, football, basketball, running, waterpolo, rithmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, jumping...
The symbol of the Olympic Games is five circles of different colours that represent the continents.
The starting of the Games is widely known: an athlete runs with a torch, lit in Greece, until he arrives to the place where the Olympic Games are going to be played, and with it an enormous fire is lit.
In 1992, the Olympic Games were organised in Barcelona. Some of the athletes that are going to participate in the Olympic Games this year are: Craviotto (from Lleida), Usain Bolt (from Jamaica), Rafa Nadal (from Mallorca), Michael Phelps (from USA)...
Our favourite sport is swimming, because we've always liked it, and sometimes we had woken up at four o'clock in the morning for seeing the competition.

What will you do if you’re bore on a weekend? The answer
about that question is too easy: if you’re bore, you can go climbing wherever
you want.
Climbing is a risk sport practice around the world (we have
to notice that is one of the most played mountain sports of the world). Generally,
you can practice this sport in the mountains or in special places prepared for
this kind of activities.
In the world of climbing we can find three types of climbs:
the rock climbing (is when you climb a mountain), the free style (when you
climb something without any help or assistance) and boulder style (is when you
climb with things that can help you to arrive to the top of a hill).

So, you’re decided to climb a mountain but … Which things
you will need to arrive in one piece to your house? The simple things you will
need in the hills are: budriers, a rope of 60 meters, express ribbons (you will
need 6-10 units), musket, feed of cat, magnesium, gree-gree (the asegurator).
So you have all the things to climb but … be sure that you
know how to do ribbon a rope. If you don’t know that thing please, don’t go to
the mountains … We don’t want a death body in the door of our house.
Miquel Batalla, Judith Carpio and Robert Valls
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden is a
Heavy Metal band born in London
in 1975 by Steve Harris, the bassist. The first training was formed by Paul
DiAnno (singer), Dave Murray (guitarist), Adrian Smith (guitarist), Clive Burr
(drummer) and Steve Harris (bassist). This formation was recorded two albums: Iron Maiden (1980) and Killers (1981). In 1982 Paul DiAnno left
the band because due to a lifestyle of excess,
alcohol, drugs, etc. He was replaced by Bruce Dickinson, a better singer. With
this new singer they was recorded The
Number Of The Beast, the most famous album of this band. In 1983 Clive Burr left the band because of personal problems and an inability to keep up with the pace and success of the band. He was replaced by Nicko McBrain. In this year
they was recorded Piece Of Mind. This
training was recorded Powerslave
(1984), Somewhere In Time (1986), Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son (1988). In
1989 Adrian Smith left the band to form his own band (ASAP). In place was
entered Janick Gers. In 1990 they was recorded No Prayer For The Dying, in 1992 Fear Of The Dark, … This last years the training was formed by
three guitars: Adrian Smith, Dave Murray and Janick Gers, the singer Bruce
Dickinson, the bassist Steve Harris and the drummer Nicko McBrain. The last
album is The Final Frontier (recorded
in 2010).
We think that Iron Maiden is the best Heavy
Metal band of history, because their compositions are two-voice, full of brutal riffs, powerful bass lines, beautiful voices, …
Our favorite album is The Number Of The Beast because it contains their classic songs,
and this album was reached the perfection; and our favorite song is The Trooper.
King’s Cup Final Match
The day 25 of May of 2012, the final footbal match will be played.
The fierce Athletic Club will battle this match with the tactical FC Barcelona.
Everyone can win but FC Barcelona has all the numbers to win because it always
happen the same thing: Athletic Club reaches the final match but they usually
lose there. The match will be played at 22:00 o’clock in Vicente Calderón and
the referee will be Fernández Borbalán.
Athletic club has 24 King cups But FC Barcelona has one more! So, Athletic club can
reach Barça if they win against them tomorrow.
By Adrián Aguilar, Luís Bravo & Nacho Rincón
Hi Neil, we are going to talk about the best subject of all, English. Our class does English 3 times a week. We have exams about the units of the workbook with grammar, vocabulary and reading. Also we have exam about very interesting book. Our favorite teachers of the school are Pilar, Neil and Becca, who is very beautiful like Pilar. Wednesday we go up to corners. In corners we do activities like TV, speaking, writing, listening, computers, games, writing, Internet and a lot of more. To resume, we love English class.
The best corner is Speaking because we learn a lot with our friend Becca.
The days of class we are very happy because do the dossier which is very interesting. Thank you.
Roger Amorós and Raul Lecumberri.
The best corner is Speaking because we learn a lot with our friend Becca.
The days of class we are very happy because do the dossier which is very interesting. Thank you.
Roger Amorós and Raul Lecumberri.
The league of Spain is the best league of the world but it is divided in two sub-leagues. One sub-league is for fight for the first place,in this sub-league are two teams: Real Madrid and Barça, and the others teams are in to the other sub-league. Real Madrid win the league 2011-2012 and Barça stay in the final of ¨ La Copa Del Rey¨ with athletic de Bilbao. Sporting, Racing, and Villareal go down to the 2n division and Rayo Vallecano, Granada and Zaragoza saved for the minim. The ball of the league is white and black and its made for Nike. The ¨pichichi¨of the league is Messi with 50 goals and Cristiano Ronaldo with 46 goals. This is the best league of the world and Real Madrid is the best team of the world.
The 8th of May:
This week we will go to the popular party of Lleida. On Tuesday Juan Magan will come to the pavilion. Juan Magan is a famous DJ in all the world. We know the most of his songs like ayer la ví ,te soñé, chica Latina,ella no sigue modas, ella y yo, amarte bien…Juan Magan has got a young brother called Victor Magan who came last year, is not as famous as his brother . Before the performance we will stay in Camps Elisis meeting our friends.
On Friday we will stay home and rest all the day, because we’ll be tired from dancing all night.
On Saturday we’ll return to Camps Elisis because it is the biggest party of the week. The workers will build regional houses under the park porch a radio called maxima will also come.
The 17th of May:
The last Tuesday we went to Camps Elisis and first we didn’t have the tickets of Juan Magan. And we bought it at the moment. We entered at 2 o’clock and some of us went to house at half past three. And the others went to home at five o’clock. Before the performance we stayed with our friends out the pavilion.
The last Saturday went to Camps Elisis to saw the radio Maxima who came to Lleida .
We had a great time with our friends, we met a lot of people and we danced a lot.
This week we will go to the popular party of Lleida. On Tuesday Juan Magan will come to the pavilion. Juan Magan is a famous DJ in all the world. We know the most of his songs like ayer la ví ,te soñé, chica Latina,ella no sigue modas, ella y yo, amarte bien…Juan Magan has got a young brother called Victor Magan who came last year, is not as famous as his brother . Before the performance we will stay in Camps Elisis meeting our friends.
On Friday we will stay home and rest all the day, because we’ll be tired from dancing all night.
On Saturday we’ll return to Camps Elisis because it is the biggest party of the week. The workers will build regional houses under the park porch a radio called maxima will also come.
The 17th of May:
The last Tuesday we went to Camps Elisis and first we didn’t have the tickets of Juan Magan. And we bought it at the moment. We entered at 2 o’clock and some of us went to house at half past three. And the others went to home at five o’clock. Before the performance we stayed with our friends out the pavilion.
The last Saturday went to Camps Elisis to saw the radio Maxima who came to Lleida .
We had a great time with our friends, we met a lot of people and we danced a lot.
Jaime Blanco
Gemma Oró
Marta Raga
Irina Lobera
Dear friend:
Last weekend was the funniest weekend of the year, because it was the town party. I met some friends of my friends and we went to Camps Elisis, where a lot of people went to dance, and why not? To drink. We are 15 years old, and we couldn't get in a pub, River, but in the end, we could get inside.
I met a boy who went with me in the primary school, and we didn't know anything about each other, and we where happy to see again. So, I had a very good time with my friends in the town festival, but on Monday I had class another time, and I was very tired, because I went to sleep at 5 am. I want some news about you, because you are usually invisible. Are you ok? What about your parents, and sister? I added yesterday your brother, Steffan, but he hasn't accepted me yet. Well, I hope you're having a good time in England, and you can bring some presents for me(it's an option hahaha)
Lots of love, your friend.
Jaime Blanco
Gemma Oró
Marta Raga
Irina Lobera
Last weekend was the funniest weekend of the year, because it was the town party. I met some friends of my friends and we went to Camps Elisis, where a lot of people went to dance, and why not? To drink. We are 15 years old, and we couldn't get in a pub, River, but in the end, we could get inside.
Lots of love, your friend.
Jaime Blanco
Gemma Oró
Marta Raga
Irina Lobera
The television

Anna Palau and Raquel Barrachina (4th ESO A)
This weekend, I went fishing at 8.00 a.m with two friends
for my village, ons is call Prudenci and the other Marc. We went on a big damp
in Utxesa. At 8.30, the fishes baight but we couldn’t fishing it. After we began
breakfast an sandwitch that was very good taste and as soon as we ate, a fish
baight and we could fishing it.
It was 6 kg and after we met other boys that were side our
and we are friends.

Enric Bosch and Aida Yuste
joke conversation
joke conversation
+hello , I’m pepito
-hi , I’m William
+How are you?
-Fine and you?
+ good good, my mother win the lottery.
-Crazy look my new girlfriend
+ it’s beautiful but I prefer the lottery
-one joke pepito
+Go two people, and the middle one falls down.
-jajajajajajajajajajajaja its so funny I have and other one
+no, you are a crazy boy, goodbye William
-goodbye pepito
We have many princesses that we’ll never forget. They are:
first of all we have Cinderella, the favorite on for the most of the girls. Another
one is Bella and her "love" the ugly beast. We all love the little mermaid, and
the song of under the sea. Pocahontas has de best hair of all the princesses (not
including Rapunzel). Jasmine is also very loved with her magic carpet. Aurora is the one that
only with a kiss of the prince she can wake up. Snow-white is the princess that
hads the best companies, seven boys only for her. Fiona is the more recent, but
we think that she is the funniest. But, then we have some beauty girls that appear
on Disney films: like Esmeralda in Quasimodo’s film, or the love of Hercules,
Elena. Our favorite is Mulan because she is different and she fights for the
things that she wants and then she has a love story.
Mariona Cartanyà i Aida Manero
Our Italy diary:
On the first day we stayed all the time on the coach. We left Lleida at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. We slept there, inside the coach, because we spent all night traveling.
On the second day we arrived at 11 o’clock (more or less) in Pisa . We took some photos with the famous “tower of Pisa ” and also near the “Babtistery”, this was the first place that we visited. After that, we went to visit Florence , there, we had lunch and some free time. Then, in the afternoon we visited the Church called “Duomo” and “Miquel Angelo’s scultures” too. At night we took the coach another time and we went to Montecatini (a small and simple village), there we only spent the night, in a hotel near the square of the village.
The third day we returned to Florence because the last day we couldn’t visit it so much. So we went to visit two “Medichie’s churches”. We had lunch in a restaurant, where the food was delicious. After that we took the coach to go to the view point of Florence, and then we went to another hotel which was in Lido . We went to dinner in a restaurant where we ate a traditional pizza, it was delicious too.
The fourth day we woke up and we took breakfast. After that we took the bags and the coach another time to Venece (4hours). There, we visited “the cathedral” and “Palau Ducal”. Then, we have some free time to spend buying souvenirs, to discover places of Venece, had lunch and to went on a gondola. In the afternoon we went to Breshia to sleep in another hotel too.
The fifth day, the las day we returned home. We took a :ship where we passed the time with other schools. We arrived in Barcelona at 8:30 a.m. Then we took another coach which was in the hold of the ship.
Finally we arrived in Lleida at 11 o’clock a.m.
We hope you like it!
If your computer is from the middle ages, here are some steps to buy a new, fast and efficient computer. First of all, you have to decide how much money you are going to spend on it. Then you can surf the internet or go to the closest PC shop. There, you can choose pre-made computers or select your own components. For new computer users I would recommend pre-made computers, they are cheaper but not very efficient.
For advanced users it's better to choose your own components. The three main parts of the computer are the motherboard, the RAM memory, and the pocessor. I recommend an Intel Core Duo or a quad core. the second is expensive but it is very good. A good graphic card isn't necessary unless you want to play games. After selecting your computer you check that all is in place. Then at home check that it works correctly. If it doesn't, restart the computer. If the problem persists call the customer service for help.
Marc Fernández Visa & Marc Luque Llobet 4A
live forever
1· What does the text talk about?
The theme of the text is the eternity of the people in the world.
2· Where does the story take place?
The place of the story is United Kingdom .
3· Who is the protagonist of the article? Why?
The protagonist of the article is Darwin , because his theory says that “Why Do We Age and Die rather Than Live Forever?”
4· What is the most interesting thing of the article?
The most interesting thing of the article is the theory of the Darwin about last and the evolution of the time.
5· Do you think it may happen to you?
No, because in this moment is impossible thing for all people.
6· Explain the reason of your choice?
I take this article, because this theme is very interesting in my opinion .
Now live forever is an impossible think, because live forever harms a families and friend, because you live forever but your family one day die.
The Vow
The Vow is a 2012 romantic drama film directed by Michael Sucsy, starring Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum, Sam Neill, Scott Speedman and Jessica Lange. The film is based on the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter.
The Vow is based on the actual relationship of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, who wrote a book about their marriage, also known as The Vow. Ten weeks after their wedding on 18 September 1993, the couple was in an automobile accident in which Krickitt suffered brain trauma, which erased memories of her romance with Kim as well as their recent marriage. Kim, however, was still madly in love with his wife, although his wife viewed him as a stranger after the accident. However, according to the couple, their faith in Jesus and theirwedding vows before God kept them together.
Is most watched film in this moment.
Cinta and Marian

Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets".
It was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July.
The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 140 million active users as of 2012, generating over 340 millions tweets daily and handling over 1.6 billionsearch queries per day.
It has been described as "the SMS of the Internet."
Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco , with additional servers and offices in New York City .
Integrated photo-sharing service
On June 1, 2011, Twitter announced its own integrated photo-sharing service that enables users to upload a photo and attach it to a Tweet right from Twitter.com.
Users now also have the ability to add pictures to Twitter's search by adding hashtags to the tweet.
Twitter also plans to provide photo galleries designed to gather and syndicate all photos that a user has uploaded on Twitter and third-party services such as TwitPic.
Sílvia Roma i Aida Cabré.
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers is an american rock band it was born in Los Angeles in 1983.
The music style of this group is the funk/rock. The band is formed by:
Anthony Kiedis (Singer)
Josh Klinghoffer(Guitar) à Until 2009
John Frusciante(Guitar) à Since 2009
The group have won 6 grammies, the best rated music award in the world. The Red Hot Chili Peppers have published 18 albums, a large number. And they have sold 82 milion albums around the world.
In Our opinion, the best musician of the group is “Flea”, the bassist because he dominates perfectly the slap technique, the most difficult way to play the bass.
Joan M. i Ivan P.
For me the best sport of the world is football because is the sport which unites more people.
This sport has in all of the countrys but the most important leagues of football are: Liga BBVA, Premier League and Bundesliga.
Football isn't played only in the leagues, there are the tournements of country teams and the last year the best country team was Spain.
But the best team of the world is F.C.Barcelona because last year it won the Champions and the BBVA league.
This team has the best player of the world, he is from Argentina, he is 24 years old and his name is LEO MESSI.
But if we speak about the history the best team has been Real Madrid because they have won 9 cups of Champions.
This year Real Madrid goes first in the league but F.C.Barcelona can win yet
Another team that is doing a good season in the league is Levante although he has low budget.
This sport has in all of the countrys but the most important leagues of football are: Liga BBVA, Premier League and Bundesliga.
Football isn't played only in the leagues, there are the tournements of country teams and the last year the best country team was Spain.
But the best team of the world is F.C.Barcelona because last year it won the Champions and the BBVA league.
This team has the best player of the world, he is from Argentina, he is 24 years old and his name is LEO MESSI.
But if we speak about the history the best team has been Real Madrid because they have won 9 cups of Champions.
This year Real Madrid goes first in the league but F.C.Barcelona can win yet
Another team that is doing a good season in the league is Levante although he has low budget.
Mobile phones
Before mobile phones were only used to phone; after that, they were used to send messages too. And now, the majority of mobile phones have internet and a lot of applications.
Now the children have better mobile phones when they are younger.
And also there are mobile phones in cars and computers.

The mobile phones are adapted to each age. The old people mobiles are simple with big numbers and letters.
St. Jordi's legend
The princess went. When the princess was in front of the dragon, St. Jordi’s knight appeared and he saved the princess. When the knight killed the dragon a red rose appeared. He caught the rose and he gave it to her. The knight and the princess got married.
Lleida is our city, a very beautiful city.
It is the capital of Sa
Lleida has got one beautiful monument, this monument is so different, it’s a castle, but it’s structure is special, it’s name is “Seu Vella” and it has a lot of stairs.
Lleida has got a other monument like the castle of Gardeny, the museum, the public library, the archive, the public park of Mitjana, the Camps Elisis, Segre river.
One of the typical parties of Lleida is the “Festa Major” it consists in one big party that it celebrate in two times of the year, one in May and the other in September. The funfair comes for the children, also celebrate the “Aplec del caragol” and it constist in eat a lot of snails and barbecued meat.
This is our city, the best of the World!
Marta Canal, Alba Calderó
It is the capital of Sa
Lleida has got one beautiful monument, this monument is so different, it’s a castle, but it’s structure is special, it’s name is “Seu Vella” and it has a lot of stairs.
Lleida has got a other monument like the castle of Gardeny, the museum, the public library, the archive, the public park of Mitjana, the Camps Elisis, Segre river.
One of the typical parties of Lleida is the “Festa Major” it consists in one big party that it celebrate in two times of the year, one in May and the other in September. The funfair comes for the children, also celebrate the “Aplec del caragol” and it constist in eat a lot of snails and barbecued meat.
This is our city, the best of the World!
Marta Canal, Alba Calderó
A mobile phone or cell phone is an electronic device used to make mobile telephone calls across a wide geographic area, served by many public cells, allowing the user to be mobile.
How it works?
To make the first communication with the mobile phone when it is switched on, you have to use the keyboard. The mobile phone has a lot of applications and software. Normally, the mobile phone is used to call or send SMS text messaging but it has other applications to entertain, listen to music, make photos and videos, and it can be used to record a lot of things.
How signals are transmitted?
When the user talks, the microphone changes the voice into waves, these are transmitted by the air to a BSC station. The entire world is divided into cells that have a BSC station in all the cells. It is used to receive the waves and send it to a BSC (Base Station Controller) that redirect the waves to another BSC station where the other user is situated. Two consecutive cells cannot use the same range of frequencies to avoid interferences. The same frequencies can be used in cells that are far enough away since they won’t disturb the other communications.

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 24 of February 1955.He had lot of occupations for example: co-founder, chairman, apple Inc, co-founder and CEO, pixar, NewT Inc.
Her wife is Laurene Powell and she have 4 children (Lisa, Reed, Erin andEve).Steve has one sister (Mona Simpson).
Apple will work to create a new mobile phone, Iphone 5.We want to see the best mobile ever seen in the world.
Judith Carpio and Ferran Oró
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