What will you do if you’re bore on a weekend? The answer
about that question is too easy: if you’re bore, you can go climbing wherever
you want.
Climbing is a risk sport practice around the world (we have
to notice that is one of the most played mountain sports of the world). Generally,
you can practice this sport in the mountains or in special places prepared for
this kind of activities.
In the world of climbing we can find three types of climbs:
the rock climbing (is when you climb a mountain), the free style (when you
climb something without any help or assistance) and boulder style (is when you
climb with things that can help you to arrive to the top of a hill).

So, you’re decided to climb a mountain but … Which things
you will need to arrive in one piece to your house? The simple things you will
need in the hills are: budriers, a rope of 60 meters, express ribbons (you will
need 6-10 units), musket, feed of cat, magnesium, gree-gree (the asegurator).
So you have all the things to climb but … be sure that you
know how to do ribbon a rope. If you don’t know that thing please, don’t go to
the mountains … We don’t want a death body in the door of our house.
Miquel Batalla, Judith Carpio and Robert Valls
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