The blackberry plague

Many years ago , only rich people and people who works in business had blackberry. Nowadays , because the mobile phone companies make some  offers , everybody can have one  ,and a very lot of people  have it , mostly
of them teenagers. That's because blackberry has a very good chat only for the same kind of mobile phone , and the second point  is because the blackberry keypad has all the letters of the alphabet and this permits you to write more fast. A bad part from blackberries is the camera , it only has 2 mega pixels ans dome times internet goes so slow. A curiosity of blackberry is that when someone sends you a chat a very small light at the top brights , and you can put it the color that you want. All posh girls who have one , wear it with strange covers with a lot oh colors and strange images or flats (an example is the one of the USA).
Aida Manero i Mariona Cartañá , 4tC.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you're the best! And you're very beautiful girls!
