The 21st of November it was released the new film from the saga “The Hunger Games”, Mockingjay Part 2. It has been defined like a phenomenon all over the world, beating records in the ticket windows of a lot of cinemas.
The main reason are the books in which is based the film, written by Suzanne Collins, that are defined for some authors, (like Stephen King), as a work that includes the fantasy of Narnia and the inventiveness of the Mechanical Orange.
Another factor that has influenced the big welcome in a lot of countries are the actors, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, and of course, the actress Jennifer Lawrence, who plays the role of Katniss, the main character.
This film is about how Katniss leads the rebellion against the Capitol until the end, but how she must do some sacrifices to bring justice to her country. The idea isn’t to glorify war, but to show the damage it can cause, and how we are all affected by it.
I hope you like it!

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