We think that depending on the cases, the death penalty should be applied or not. For example if someone murders another person, does he deserve the death penalty?

In our opinion, this person should be in prison forever but he should never be killed. Because if he was killed, the person who killed him would be committing the same crime as him. On the other hand, if that person has killed lots of people, and after he runs away, we think that this criminal should be punished with the death penalty, because the feeling of knowing that some day you are going to be killed is similar to the feeling that people have when they know that they are going to die.

If you killed someone you have to be punished in some way, that’s why he should be in prison but if he has done something really bad, in our opinion, he should be punished with the death penalty.

The life of the criminal must have the same value as the life of the victim.

~ Pablo Guillén and Cristina Montaña ~

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