Barack Obama is the first black president of the USA. He started to govern at the begining of the economical crisis.

He try to spread the peace all the world, mainly in Afganistan, he try to solve the problem of the economical crisis and he try to create social security in the USA, the other presidents of the USA failed with this last proposal.

This year of governament, Barack Obama has worked very hard, in this effort he won the Nobel Prize of Peace.

I think that Barack Obama is a person that can finish with the economical crisis in the world in a short time.

Víctor Urgelés.

The Champions League competition

The Champions League is the best competition from European teams. In this competition, participate the four bests teams of each league of Europa.
First, in groups of four teams, of differents leagues, play a mini-league and pass to the second qualifying (the two bests teams from each group).The other teams who are eliminated, participate in other european competition: UEFA.
Coming back to the Champions League, the two bests teams pass to fourth round of final and play an eleminatory. In this eliminatory, they play two matches: one in the pitch of one team and the other, in the pitch from the other team. In the quarter-final and in the semifinal, play two matches from each eleminatory, too. Finally, in the final, they only play one match in a neutral stadium. The team who plays, is the winner of Champions League and play the "Supercopa of Europa" with the winner of the UEFA.
The team who wins is the best team of Europa, for this year.
The last year, F.C.Barcelona, won the Champions League and played the "Supercopa of Europa" with Shaktar Doneskt: the winner of UEFA. F.C.Barcelona won the "Supercopa of Europa".

This year, in the Champions League, there are four Spanish teams: F.C.Barcelona, Real Madrid, Sevilla and Atl. Madrid, and in UEFA, there are: Valencia, Villareal and Athletic Club of Bilbao.


The comic is one of the most important industries of the World.
In USA, Japan and Europe are so popular. A lot as people buy comics every day and are so many styles and authors and famous characters all over the world. In USA the most famous Company are Marvel ( With the heroes SPIDERMAN and the X-MEN ) and DC ( With Batman and Superman ). A part from famous that companies are the most rich comics business all over the world.
In Europe we have the NORMA EDITORIAL that publishes the most important European comics.
But perhaps, the most known comic style of the world is the Manga. It’s a Japanese style that has spread all over the planet with a lot of mythical series and movies.
In Japan, the most important editorial is Shonen Jump. It’s a magazine that publishes the work of the mangakas ( comic drawers ).
The comic industry is so important for our society, but at the moment, everyone that reads a comic is and ever will be a Freak. What a pity!


Why are so many people visiting Barcelona nowadays?

If you ask someone where was Barcelona they would answer what’s that?
That means that Barcelona wasn’t a known city.

Olympic games made Barcelona an important city to sightsee. So, for this reason, today Barcelona is one of the most important cities in the world, is the capital of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and is the second largest city in Spain, with a population of 1,615,908.

In Barcelona, you can visit a lot of monuments, museums, parks, gardens… The most successful monument in Barcelona are the Gaudi’s creations such as: La Pedrera, la Sagrada Famíliam, La Casa Batlló…These monuments are very characteristics and so special!

Barcelona has also seven beaches, so you can enjoy them very well.

the nem computers

During all these years the computers have evolution, the first computers was invented are very simply and didn’t have the same speed. Their didn’t have entrance for CD’s and USB, their had only for disquettes of 3/2.
In the actuality the computers are very change, for example in the shape: the monitor is plane, the keyboard have more keys (letters, numbers and signs). The computer have more utilities than the past.
But in the near future the computers going to be very portables going to have more speed, connection at internet through inalambric connection for example: WI-FI and it going to be tactile. And you will can have the computer in the mobile.
And that’s all.

the ballet tips

The tips of ballet slippers are tipped to hold cardboard or plaster edge. This is a special shoe created for the stylization of the female body when dancing on stage. Its costs is usually high. Using the tips of ballet is usually done if one has the capacity and strength in the legs. It is very dangerous for someone without the ability to climb them and might cause injury. To begin, practice with them is often painful. Today it is common to use protective silicone tips, formerly they used only fabric protectors.


The 31st of October is the celebration of Halloween. In this celebration people dressed up and they go to the houses to ask for candies.
Nowadays people do parties to celebrate this event.
In other countries, for example in Catalunya, people celebrates the “castanyada” .
This type of celebration consist on buying chestnut and makes “panellets” with the family. The panellets are a mass of : eggs, flour, sugar and water. In this mass you can put anything you want, for example: chocolate, almond, coco, pine nut, cherries…
Sometimes, people do an important dinner with the family and friends.
Halloween and the Castanyada are a good excuse to go with friends, staying with the family, make parties and enjoy the celebration.


Basketball is one of the most important sports in Maristes. A lot of Maristes students play this sport three times per week.

Basketball consists on putting the ball into the basket.

There are 10 players in one team and there are some rules that you have to know.

In the weekend, the players of this sport go to the different villages to play matches with other players of this sport.

There are different cathegories: preferent, provincial, interterritorial, among others.

In the summer if you want, you can play basketball in some summer camps, for example: Mollerussa, Andorra, Seu d'Urgell...

In this summer camps you meet a lot of people of Catalunya and you can find a good coach.

In the summer camps of Seu d'Urgell you can go to Caldea, practice skating, do rafting and play basketball at the same time.


Lleida is situate in catalonia, it has a castle, the "Mayor street" that is the most inportant for me, because it has all the things that I like, well the majority of the shops in Lleida are in there street.Are different Kind of shops: electronic, clothes, underwear, accesories, bars, restaurants, mobiles, things for the house and others.
My city doesn't have mountain or beaches, it only has a river " el riu Segre". A lot of people go near the river in the weekends, to play football, stay with their friends, to walk, to ride a bycicle or to run. In my wekkends I go out with my friends, we go to Mayor street and also we go to some bars to drink something we normally go to snoppy or tube. But some weekends my family and I go to my village in " Arago" -It is cerler-, like this weekend that we will go with one friend.

My School

My school is a very big place, it has a lot of things and classrooms. It has six floors and it is divided in three parts, the first part is primary, the second part is secondary and the third part is baccalaureate. The school consists of another building, in this building we can find a daycare for children from zero until three years old.
In the playground there are three pitches of football, four pitches of basketball, three big pitches and one little pitch.
My school has a pavilion too. It has a big ground, that ground has four basketball pitches and one football pitch. Everyday of the week all the children enter in the school between 8:45 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. But the small children are ruled by other schedules.
We finish school at 5:15 P.M.; but there is an exception, the pupils of baccalaureate end at 3 P.M.
Although, the school offers some extra school activities.

An accident in Lleida

Lleida, 14th October 2009

Last week, there was an accident in Lleida. That accident was provoked by an urban bus. The bus crashed against a car when the driver of the car wanted to enter inside a garage. The bus went very fast and it crashed at the back of the car.

Inside the bus there were some people. When the bus crashed, people standing fell on the floor and some of them had a lot of injuries.
The majority of people were fine but they were very scared and had a big fright.
The police arrived soon and then, the two drivers started to explain the success.

Later, the people that had injuries went to hospital and the drivers reached an agreement.
The accident was slight and the people recovered soon.

Ester Cañada.
4th ESO B
We're Marc Blanch and Xavi cobos and we go to explain:


A lot of people of my school play some sports, we are going to explain the two more practised sports: the football indoors and basketball.

There are some teams of Maristes, normally people who plays these sports trains two or three times a week, and plays a basketball match in the weekends, too. The trainers of Maristes are good, they're young people that normally also plays in a basketball team. It's good to play basketball!!!!

Football indoors:
There are some teams of football indoors in Maristes. There are different cathegories, for example: "cadet, juvenil, infantil"... but now, we're going to explain the cathegory of "cadet", because I play football in this cathegory. In this team there are some players, exactly 13, an there are players of 3rd of ESO and players of 4th of ESO, they usually do football matches in the weekends.

This are the two sports, they are played by the people of Maristes, there are some other sports too, but these two are the most important ones.

The chesnut party

We are Quintí Casals and Shajal Shaik and we explain ''La Castanyada'':

One of the most popular party of Catalonia it's the chesnut party, Catalonia is a nation than is in Spain. This party is celebrate on October 31th and this party is very typical eat: chesnuts, potatoes, a different types of mushrooms and the most popular food of this party are the ''panellets'' this food are balls of a paste made with almonds and in a exceptions are made with a different types of dry fruits.

My family celebrate the chesnut party for two important questions:

  • Because is a very important party of Catalonia and we follow the catalan customs.
  • Because are the saint of me, my father and my grandfather.(Saint Quentin)

In EEUU the same day is very typical celebrate the Halloween party and this are steal the hegemony of catalan customs on the last years but, the typical catalan people follows with ''La Castanyada'' for more years .

Thanks for read our explanation. Bye!

The crisis of Spain

Hi we are Anna Capdevila and María Martínez.

Spanish people are in ciris because taxes of products are going up.

The consequences are that the tourism is going down, the salary of people is also going down, every time, arrive to our country more immigrants, the unemployment of the people is increasing...

Between the low salary and the increase of taxes a lot of people of the country are unemployed. This is a very big problem because people have to leave of their houses and every time companies have less sales and less workers.

One weekend in Andorra. by: Albert Blanch and Marc Siuraneta

Next weekend on Saturday , we are going to go to Andorra. We will wake up early and we are going by coach. In Andorra we are going to buy a lot of things for example: cheese, chocolate, games, toy guns and others. In the Afternoon, we are going to "Caldea" to relax and we are sleeping in a hotel.

On Sunday, we are playing a match versus Andorra and we'll probably lose. In the Afternoon, we are coming back to Lleida by coach, too.

On Monday, we aren't going to school because it is the "Pilar day" and we are doing a lunch. We are going to Messegue's country house and we are playing Airsoft. After that we are doing a water battle and eat a cake. At night we are having dinner and after we are going home to sleep because on Tuesday we are going back to school.

Halloween. From Maria Cabrerizo and Raquel Espachs.


In halloween people usually dresses with some character of terror films or terror stories.

The pumking of Halloween consists on taking a pumking, empty it and do it eyes, mouth
and nose, it's a tradition of England.

We, Maria and Raquel, will prepare a Halloween's party with our firends. In the party all people have to go dressed-up, also the people have to contribute with money for de drinks, food, and decorations for the site of the party. There, will also be music carried by friends.

Finally people who want to stay there to sleep, we put matresses on the floor and we'll wake up the next day.

This party will be in the 31th of October and will begin at night.


Hello, we are Aida Farré and Patricia de la Fuente
Basketball is a sport in wich there are two teams; each team has 5 players.
This game consist on putting the ball into the basket. There are some different points: - On the line, he 6/25 they score 3 points . -Free pull scores 1 point. There are different professional leagues: -ACB
-French league
-Occidental league


Spanish leagues: -Preferent -Territorial -Inter-territorial Each match lats 40 minutes aproximattly but the match is divided in to 4 parts, each part lat 10 minutes aproximattly. The famous players are: -Pau Gasol -Lebron James -Marc Gasol -Rudy -Ricky Rubio -Tony Parker -Kobe Bryant -Lamar Odom

Maristes Montserrat School

Hello, we are Xavi Escales and Marc Codinas; we're going to explain about Maristes Montserrat school.

This school is one of the oldest schools of Lleida. It was fundated by Marcel·lí Champagnat in 1890, and it's meaning is the love that the virgin Mary had for all of people of the world.

For us, this shcool is the best school of Lleida. Because it shows a lot of Christian valours and other religions.

This school has many technical advances, for example a computer and a head projector in every class.
There are three rooms with twentyfive computers in every room. These rooms are called computering labs.
We have two arts rooms, two kitchens, a nursey for babies of 6 months to three years, and two English corners rooms.

And this is all that we want to explain.

Good bye, and see you later ;)


Hello we are Tino and Alba we are students of the class 4th C of Maristes Montserrat from Lleida.Now we are in BLOG-WRITING corner and we are going to tell you about 4th of ESO.

This year we are going to study hard because 4th of ESO is more difficult than 3rd of ESO, we have some compulsory subjects as Catalan ,Spanish ,English ,Maths, Religion,Gymnastics...and we also have optative subjects as: Biology and Geology,Latin, French, Technology,Art...This week we have a lot of exams.

We are now studying these subjects for preparing ourselves to study ''Batxillerat''.We hope to achieve our aims this year.

We hope you read this blog and you write your comments.

The EexxpectativesS fo r the next yearRR!!

Hi we are Alberto and Carme and we are going to speak about
this year and the expectatives for next year.

Carme:For me, this year is so difficult because we don't have to do many exercices but we have to study more than last year.

I think that I will not stay here next year,but I don't know where I'm going to go yet,If I go to Marius I will do the artistic "batxillerat", but If I don't go there , I will do the humanistic "batxillerat" in another place.

Alberto:This year is so difficult for me too , but I think that I can pass this course.
The next year I'm going to study the "batxillerat" in another place, in Ronda.
I don't know what "batxillerat" I want to do but I would like to do some about engineering.

HeLL0o Myyy loVerrS!!! =)

Hi! this blog is dedicated to students from Maristes Lleida, and we want to pass the English subject, so this is the reason why we are here xD

today the students they are here are: Abel Moreno and Dani Garcia
the best from this high school

now we are in the corners, the corners are: the tv corner, listening corner, the internet corner, playing corner, etc...
three weeks ago, 4t ESO studentswent to excursion, "Espluga de Francolí" and watched the caves with them. We had dinner there. We returned to Lleida city at 5:15 pm, and it was a wonderful excursion. /div>

The next day we went to the high school again, and in the weekend, it was "San miquel" and everybody went to the "botellon"
Hello,we are the students of Maristes Montserrat from Lleida.
We create this blog to hang some articles that people write.

The members of this group are: Esther,Dani,Abel and Marta.

In this blog we explain things that people want.

There are eight corners,the first one is game corner,the second internet,the third is listening,the fourth is writing, the fifth is blog-writing,the sixth is audio reading,the seventh TV and the eighth is speaking.

Today we start the corners in the English lab.

We hope that you like this blog and write your comments about this article and others.