Hello we are Tino and Alba we are students of the class 4th C of Maristes Montserrat from Lleida.Now we are in BLOG-WRITING corner and we are going to tell you about 4th of ESO.

This year we are going to study hard because 4th of ESO is more difficult than 3rd of ESO, we have some compulsory subjects as Catalan ,Spanish ,English ,Maths, Religion,Gymnastics...and we also have optative subjects as: Biology and Geology,Latin, French, Technology,Art...This week we have a lot of exams.

We are now studying these subjects for preparing ourselves to study ''Batxillerat''.We hope to achieve our aims this year.

We hope you read this blog and you write your comments.


  1. Hi we are Ares and Anna.
    we think that 4th ESO is very difficul than 3rd ESO.
    We think that in this blog there is more information for the people of 3r ESO.
    The people of our class group choose some optative subjects,for example we choose: Latin, Computer and Plastic.
    Well, we hope that this year will be very fantastic.

    Ares and Anna

  2. Ricard 'nd Maria8 October 2009 at 15:12

    We are Ricard and Maria and we are ok for your opinion.
    We are students of the class 4th A of the same school.
    We think that 4th of ESO is more difficult than 3rd ESO, because in 4th ESO the subjects are more difficult as biology,physics,chemistry and others.
    In 4th ESO we have to start thinking about what type of batxillerat we will study.
    If we pass 4th ESO we will hope to do one batxillerat for example the Social Batxillerat.
    We hope that our comment goods be interesting.

  3. very interesant 8.
    Adria mimbrera Carlemanys Planella
