The comic is one of the most important industries of the World.
In USA, Japan and Europe are so popular. A lot as people buy comics every day and are so many styles and authors and famous characters all over the world. In USA the most famous Company are Marvel ( With the heroes SPIDERMAN and the X-MEN ) and DC ( With Batman and Superman ). A part from famous that companies are the most rich comics business all over the world.
In Europe we have the NORMA EDITORIAL that publishes the most important European comics.
But perhaps, the most known comic style of the world is the Manga. It’s a Japanese style that has spread all over the planet with a lot of mythical series and movies.
In Japan, the most important editorial is Shonen Jump. It’s a magazine that publishes the work of the mangakas ( comic drawers ).
The comic industry is so important for our society, but at the moment, everyone that reads a comic is and ever will be a Freak. What a pity!
The comic is one of the most important industries of the World.
In USA, Japan and Europe are so popular. A lot as people buy comics every day and are so many styles and authors and famous characters all over the world. In USA the most famous Company are Marvel ( With the heroes SPIDERMAN and the X-MEN ) and DC ( With Batman and Superman ). A part from famous that companies are the most rich comics business all over the world.
In Europe we have the NORMA EDITORIAL that publishes the most important European comics.
But perhaps, the most known comic style of the world is the Manga. It’s a Japanese style that has spread all over the planet with a lot of mythical series and movies.
In Japan, the most important editorial is Shonen Jump. It’s a magazine that publishes the work of the mangakas ( comic drawers ).
The comic industry is so important for our society, but at the moment, everyone that reads a comic is and ever will be a Freak. What a pity!
I have a friend, that he is Spiderman how much friky are here!!