Lleida's parties

The parties of Lleida are on 10th of May and the 29th of September.

On May are the important parties, st. Anastasi who is the Boss of the city.
During the parties, some activities are organized to all the people. From the babies to the old people.

During the day, for the smallest there are fairs, marionettes and more interest activities like this. For the men and women there are especial expositions in the museums, dancing’s, cultural activities… For the young people are the fairs and some concerts.

In the night, the first and the last day are organized fireworks.
Some famous concerts come to the city to expose their CD.

One week later, is the Aplec. Aplec consists about the people are meet in different groups and they eat a lot of snails and they enjoy the day and the night.

The 19th of September, st. Miquel are the other parties but it doesn’t more important than the other.
The activities are like the others parties from May.


Halloween is a typical tradition that it is celebrated in America and Britain on 29th of October. In Halloween it is typical to go to house , to ring at the door and say: trick or treat. And the people need to give sweets and snacks.

People are disguised and celebrate the party with friends and family.

They also prepared an empty pumpking, with a candle inside. If you do'nt give sweets, the teenagers do bad things to you.


Maristes not only is a school it also a sport club.

In Maristes club there are a lot of basketball teams and they play in different championships.

And now we explain us about Cadet Femeni.

This team plays in Preferent A1 the maxim category of Catalonia.

They play every week in different places of Catalonia. In Lleida they play on Saturday at 11:15.

Cadet Femeni trainig three days a week: Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

They play against teams from Barcelona and Tarragona for example: Sant Adria( this team is the best of the category) Cornella, Mataró, Lluïsos de Gràcia, Arenys de Mar, CBT and BBC.

The next important event of this team is on Saturday 14 at 11:15, they play agains Sant Adria and will be a very difficult match for Marsites, but they will do their best to win this match.

Lost in forest

The past 20 of November, 3 excursionists were lost in the forest and they were 3 days and 2 nights when the forestguardrescue them.

They had a lot of experiences and every night didn't sleep because in the forest are a lot of types of wild and ferocious animals waiting for ate them.
While they were lost in the forest their friendship increases and they learnt a lot of things such as: prepare a fire, do a refuge to protect of ferocious animals and rain or wind,climbing and treking.

When they saw the forest guard they started to shoot and maze signals of smoke. the forest guard when he saw them he started to run and shaut. when the boys returnet they tell the experience and laught.

The roman empire

The roman empire:

The roman empire was the most important cultural and arrquitectural influence of the history.
The roman Empire was one of the biggest empires of all the times. The romans dominated all Europe except Sweden, Noeway, Finland, and Scotland.

Roman Arquitecture:

The roman Arquitecture was based in building special structures that the other civilizations didn't have. Some of that arquitectral points are: Aqueducts, coliseums, arenas, forums...

Roman culture:

The official lenguage of the empire was latin. But there were two types of latin between the citizens. The vulgar latin, used by the citizens of thw townn, and the cultured latin used by writers...

Roman Religion: The romans belived that there are more than one God, and that the oracles and other people could predict in the future.

Conclussion: So we can say that the romans have helped us to advance technical and aqrtuitecture elements. As the same way, they developed the cience in the medical ambit.


Sports are activit¡es that can practice all the people.
There are different modalities of sports:
-Adventure: for example, puenting, climbing, etc.
-Gymnastics: have the artistic.
-Water sports: have swimming, scuba diving, water polo...
-And normal sports: have football, baskettball, hockey, basaeball athletics...

Were are very different types of sport and you can, practice them in different years, different places and levels.

Sports need a lot ofparticipation for the competitions.
There are some activities that requiere one very important gymanstics ritmic are athletics, preparation physical.

No would sport is very intersting but it carries food and bad things.
A lot of athletes and sportsmen take part of competicions to help ong and associations for people of the 3rd world.

Sarah's story

The stoy began two years ago. She was blonde, beauty, incredible and she was only 26 years old. She was called Sarah.

Sarah was an incredible girl, she was always helping other people without asking for anything. Her passion was to dance. Sarah had a brother called Josehp and a little sister called Mary, they were very closed.
Mary loved her sisterand they were like twins, their physical appearance was like a photocopy.
One day, Sarah was driving home. In de middle of the night, suddenly, her hearth stopped for a moment and she lost the control of the car because she was unconcious. This was her final.
Everybody in Sarah's family were very sad, but, you have to learn how to live with this inside of you.

[That's why you have to live the life a lot because you can lose everything in only a second. Each second of your life is very important. Carpe diem! ]


Cristisano Ronaldo called"CR9" in Madrid (Real Madrid CF) arrived inMadrid in this year, but in Manchester (Manchester United) was called "CR7".
He was born in Madeira(Portugal) in 1985 , he has got 2 sisters and 1 brother. When he was 13 years old, he webt to play football in Lisboa team. When he was 17 years old, he went to Manchester team because Alex Fergurson, the coach, signed him... and began to become the best football player of the world, (he won the FIFA WORLD PLAYER and a GOLD BALL), and he won a lot of leagues and champions leagues.

Some years after , MR. Florentino signed him for 96 millions of euros, and he began the best payed of the world and the most expensive one of the football history.

Maristes lost an important match


On saturday the Cadet A of Marisrtes Monserrat lost an important match.

Maristes played affair la Seu d'Urgell. The match was very interesting, in the two firts quarters Cadet A won to 2 points and after the half part Cadet A lost the match.
Was a very imporant match, the Seu d'Urgell was the first on the clasification and Maristes Montserrat was second, the line up of Cadet A was : David Estefanell, Roger Puig, Adrià Pon and the two twins (Albert Blanch and Marc Blanch).

The referee was infair to umpire to Cadet A this was the cosequence to Cadet A lost the match.


Every year, in 1st of November everybody in the world celebrate Tots Sants.
This popular party consists in going to visit our relations that they aren't now with as because they are dead.
English people (USA, Canada, England,...) celebrate night of 31th of October, called Halloween. In this party, people disguise of monsters, deads, vampires and others.
Children go to different houses to collect sweets...
But in Catalonia, we celebrate "la Castanyada". In this national party we eat "panellets" and some chestnuts.
Here some people in towns and urbanizations celebrate Halloween, too.

Why Real Madrid lost versus Alcorcon

Yesterday nigth Real Madrid lost 4-0 versus Alcorcon, a footbal team that plays in the second division B.

Real Madrid played a disaster football match because they didn't have a clear football system.

Real Madrid played with some first team football players and other football players that play in the second team.

The best football player was Borja Perez becouse he scored 2 goals.

The Madrid football players didn't do a very good football and the defence didn't defend the forwards of Alcorcon football club.

Will Borja Perez go to another football team after the magnific fotball match that he played yesterday? Will he go to the Spanish football selection?

I supose that he doesn't go to the Spanish selection because there are a lot of best football players.
Roger Puig
Michael Encinas

The teenagers

Teenagers are the people who is from 13 to 17 years, more o less.
At that time, the teenagers start to smoke, to drink and to smoke cannabis, and drugs.
This is very bad because this affects to the organums, and it destroys the life of the teenagers.
To do these things is ilegal because teenagers can't buy cigarete, alchol...
And in a lot of shops sell these things.
The teenagers, sometimes, have flogs, facebook and other social nets.
Some people spend a lot off hours in front of the pc and in other countrys for example Japan this considerate in illness.Parents are very worried for these things because they are worried for their chlidren.


A-Flu is an illness that is new in Spain and everybody is worried about it.
This flu affects to all the world.
In Lleida, there were lots of students who missed at school and in Maristes it's starting to affect to the primary children and now at the secondary ones.
It's not usual to dye but some people has died because of it. It's similar to the normal flu.
The scientists are investigating the illness and they are improving the pills and finding the cure.
In the poor countries, it's affecting more, because they haven't resourcers, and lots of people are dying.
The symptoms are: headache, temperature, vomits, cough, cold,and to be come were you must stay at home for at least one week.
Japanese people wears a mask for not having the virus and now it's compulsory to wash your hands in every momment after doing any activity.


The computers are machines used for processing information.

With a computer you can work, play or simply, spend time.

The first computers appeared at the middle of the 20th Century, and then, a computer was as big as a room and consumed the same energy that consume today centenars of actual computers.

A computer has different parts: the CPU (Central Processing Unit), the monitor, the mouse, the keyboard...

There are computers which are fixed computers and there are notebook computers (portable).

The computers' world has evolucionated during the last years. Now, almost all the people have a computer or have the possibility to access to a computer.

The most important thing of the computers is Internet. Internet has a lot of applications: you can work, spend time, play, communicate...

Internet is so useful, and a lot of peope can have access to Internet.

These are a lot of other utilities of computers.

Well, the computers are the center of our world, of our lives, all the things today work with computers.