The roman empire

The roman empire:

The roman empire was the most important cultural and arrquitectural influence of the history.
The roman Empire was one of the biggest empires of all the times. The romans dominated all Europe except Sweden, Noeway, Finland, and Scotland.

Roman Arquitecture:

The roman Arquitecture was based in building special structures that the other civilizations didn't have. Some of that arquitectral points are: Aqueducts, coliseums, arenas, forums...

Roman culture:

The official lenguage of the empire was latin. But there were two types of latin between the citizens. The vulgar latin, used by the citizens of thw townn, and the cultured latin used by writers...

Roman Religion: The romans belived that there are more than one God, and that the oracles and other people could predict in the future.

Conclussion: So we can say that the romans have helped us to advance technical and aqrtuitecture elements. As the same way, they developed the cience in the medical ambit.

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