
The computers are machines used for processing information.

With a computer you can work, play or simply, spend time.

The first computers appeared at the middle of the 20th Century, and then, a computer was as big as a room and consumed the same energy that consume today centenars of actual computers.

A computer has different parts: the CPU (Central Processing Unit), the monitor, the mouse, the keyboard...

There are computers which are fixed computers and there are notebook computers (portable).

The computers' world has evolucionated during the last years. Now, almost all the people have a computer or have the possibility to access to a computer.

The most important thing of the computers is Internet. Internet has a lot of applications: you can work, spend time, play, communicate...

Internet is so useful, and a lot of peope can have access to Internet.

These are a lot of other utilities of computers.

Well, the computers are the center of our world, of our lives, all the things today work with computers.

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