Maristes Montserrat Lleida

Maristes Montserrat is a big school in Lleida, there are babies (0-1 year) to 18 years old. There are three buildings, 3 playgrounds and one sports center.
In Maristes Montserrat there are more than 1000 students and more than 50 teachers. The patron of the school is the mother of GOD to Montserrat, her day is 28th  of April make activities. The students of ESO and Batxillerat we always make a "gincana" of sports.
After when we finished the class, we made travel in a Spain room of Catalonia or Spain but this year we don't know we will make travel because we stay in a mundial economic crisis.
At school there are different extraescolars activities: music, theater, sports (basketball, football, aerobic) etc... Recently the director changed and that has provocated the change of many rules in the school.

Ingrid Torra i NĂºria Fort


  1. Oh my god is a very interesting redaction (:
    Maria Serveto i Laura Elvira.

  2. Good job, it's an interesting¡g redaction!!

  3. Good job Nuria:)
