Teenagers and drugs.

Teenagers have a lot of facilities tot taste drugs. Because they have more possibilities to access them, in the disco, pubs, and in the dark streets. Their implications are very bad, because they kill part of the brain, and sometimes they make you feel bad.
Marihuana and hachís are the most common drugs to teenagers, because they're cheaper than the other illegal drugs. Tabacco and alcohol are legal drugs, but in others countries , like in Nepal, alcohol is illegal. Now, since 2010, yo can't smoke in bars. In Amsterdam, marihuana is legal and you can smoke that in bars, but not whit tabacco, or cigars, only marihuana. If you want to smoke marihuana whit tabacco, you have to go out of the bar. All the drugs are bad, and you hasn't to taste them.

By: Laia and Joel.