News, anecdotes, everything explained and written by our students of 4th ESO.
-Bollywood is one group of artists, movies and actors united for shot films in India.
-Bollywood and Hollywood is seen by around the world and Bollywood is seen in a lot of countries of Asia and Africa, but the most popular films and famous films are seen around the world. Finally Hollywood is more important than Bollywood. The films of Bollywood have 3 or 4 scenes of music and dance and always final dance with traditional musics of India or remixes of this. The films of Bollywood last two, three or for hours and they are very interesting for the indian people.
-The films of Bollywood are created and shot in Dubai or India(Bombai most popular), but the languages are Bangla and Indian (18 variants). Finally, Bollywood is a great place for discover.
Christmas holiday
In the concentration camp in Berlin, there was a Dr. Fermin.
Abroad in the camp of concentration there was a school where there were a different children that not had parents.
In this school ,there were two girls Rachel and Laura that were close friends.
One day, Rachel said to Laura that she had a dream and they didn't made the homework.
Next day Dr. Fermin asked them for their homework but they didn't have it.
Then, the doctor ordened then to go to the concentration camp.
When they stayed in the camp, they helpt each other and every day planned to escape fromthe concentration camp of Berlín.
The next month at night two girls escaped from the camp and when the doctor counted the prisoners, they looked for them for a long time. He didn't want people knowabout the girls past.
Two friends.
Chirsmas Holidays
chrismas, is a party in whivhwe celebrate the Jesus wes born ,but today ,people to give presents to their femilis and friends , and a lot of people so to chrismas holidays and ,in the last day of the year people have a big party to celebrate te "New year" .Many people are gether with their respective family and people celebrate te arrived for Santaclaus and the "three wise men".
Youngs and Drugs
Young people nowadays are very influenced for drugs. People from 14 to 25 years approximately begin to take drugs and then, the majority of this people become addited to them and they can't take off drugs.
Some of this people wants to rehabilizate not all the people get it because,because it's very difficult.
This people who can rehablilizate are happy now but they have a bad experience abnout drugs.
English class
Hi, we're Abel and Dani and we talk about the Inglish classrom.
It's a class that have four walls and one floor and one roof a normal class.
We have two classes, the normal, there we do most classes, and the other is an English las, there we have corners
for example:
Now we are in writing corner, and are writing this article.
Next week we are going to write the article in the blog.
Kilo campaign and the show of 4th ESO
The kilo campaign is a thing that we do at school, where people bring food: one kilo of rice, lentils, chick peas, macarronis, spaghettis, etc. And this food is brought to poor countries because they haven't got much food.
When you bring this students of 4th ESO give you a ticket.
For go to the show you need bring the ticket or you can't enter to see the show of the students.
In this show, only participate students for 4th ESO. They organize the show for young people.
Barcelona versus Real Madrid
The Exelent Writer
FCB-RMCF football match
On Sunday 29 of November of 2009, will be the derbi of football Club Barcelona and Royal Madrid Club of football. This match will be very important because there is a lot of rivality between these two teams. They will play in the "Camp Nou" of Barcelona. The winner will be the first in the spanish league. This match will be very popular.
Marta Villanueva and David Orduña
Lleida, 26th of November of 2009.CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS
In Catalonia , we also have a party that in other Spanish regions don’t have , it is the “caga tio”.
In this party, the children give a blow to a trunk, while the children sing one special song, then , this trunk brings presents.
The night that we celebrate the “caga tio”, we are go to sleep late because after dinner in family, sing songs of Christmas day.
When we wake up we are see the presents that give Santa Claus.
The most important days in Christmas holidays for people that live in Catalonia are
24th December
25th December
26th December
31st December
1st January
5 and 6th of January
II World War
The war world two algo called second world war was a military conflict wich affected the most importants nations at the moment like United Kingdom, United Stats, France, Italy, etc..
In te 2n world, there were two sides: Axis side and Neutral side.
United states of America didn't enroll at first time in the second world was at It did it later, because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. Pearl Harbour was a base of United States of America in Japan, and Japan was liked to axis side and United States of America joined in the neutral one.
United States of America also bombed wites atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Narasaki.
Swizerland was neutral and Spain don't enroll because It was finishing the civil war.
Hitler killed a lot of jiwesh, and provocated catastrophe for all Europe.
Lleida's parties
On May are the important parties, st. Anastasi who is the Boss of the city.
During the parties, some activities are organized to all the people. From the babies to the old people.
During the day, for the smallest there are fairs, marionettes and more interest activities like this. For the men and women there are especial expositions in the museums, dancing’s, cultural activities… For the young people are the fairs and some concerts.
In the night, the first and the last day are organized fireworks.
Some famous concerts come to the city to expose their CD.
One week later, is the Aplec. Aplec consists about the people are meet in different groups and they eat a lot of snails and they enjoy the day and the night.
The 19th of September, st. Miquel are the other parties but it doesn’t more important than the other.
The activities are like the others parties from May.
Lost in forest
The past 20 of November, 3 excursionists were lost in the forest and they were 3 days and 2 nights when the forestguardrescue them.
They had a lot of experiences and every night didn't sleep because in the forest are a lot of types of wild and ferocious animals waiting for ate them.
While they were lost in the forest their friendship increases and they learnt a lot of things such as: prepare a fire, do a refuge to protect of ferocious animals and rain or wind,climbing and treking.
When they saw the forest guard they started to shoot and maze signals of smoke. the forest guard when he saw them he started to run and shaut. when the boys returnet they tell the experience and laught.
The roman empire
The roman empire was the most important cultural and arrquitectural influence of the history.
The roman Empire was one of the biggest empires of all the times. The romans dominated all Europe except Sweden, Noeway, Finland, and Scotland.
Roman Arquitecture:
The roman Arquitecture was based in building special structures that the other civilizations didn't have. Some of that arquitectral points are: Aqueducts, coliseums, arenas, forums...
Roman culture:
The official lenguage of the empire was latin. But there were two types of latin between the citizens. The vulgar latin, used by the citizens of thw townn, and the cultured latin used by writers...
Roman Religion: The romans belived that there are more than one God, and that the oracles and other people could predict in the future.
Conclussion: So we can say that the romans have helped us to advance technical and aqrtuitecture elements. As the same way, they developed the cience in the medical ambit.
There are different modalities of sports:
-Adventure: for example, puenting, climbing, etc.
-Gymnastics: have the artistic.
-Water sports: have swimming, scuba diving, water polo...
-And normal sports: have football, baskettball, hockey, basaeball athletics...
Were are very different types of sport and you can, practice them in different years, different places and levels.
Sports need a lot ofparticipation for the competitions.
There are some activities that requiere one very important gymanstics ritmic are athletics, preparation physical.
No would sport is very intersting but it carries food and bad things.
A lot of athletes and sportsmen take part of competicions to help ong and associations for people of the 3rd world.
Sarah's story
The stoy began two years ago. She was blonde, beauty, incredible and she was only 26 years old. She was called Sarah.
Sarah was an incredible girl, she was always helping other people without asking for anything. Her passion was to dance. Sarah had a brother called Josehp and a little sister called Mary, they were very closed.
Mary loved her sisterand they were like twins, their physical appearance was like a photocopy.
One day, Sarah was driving home. In de middle of the night, suddenly, her hearth stopped for a moment and she lost the control of the car because she was unconcious. This was her final.
Everybody in Sarah's family were very sad, but, you have to learn how to live with this inside of you.
[That's why you have to live the life a lot because you can lose everything in only a second. Each second of your life is very important. Carpe diem! ]
Maristes lost an important match
On saturday the Cadet A of Marisrtes Monserrat lost an important match.
Maristes played affair la Seu d'Urgell. The match was very interesting, in the two firts quarters Cadet A won to 2 points and after the half part Cadet A lost the match.
Was a very imporant match, the Seu d'Urgell was the first on the clasification and Maristes Montserrat was second, the line up of Cadet A was : David Estefanell, Roger Puig, Adrià Pon and the two twins (Albert Blanch and Marc Blanch).
The referee was infair to umpire to Cadet A this was the cosequence to Cadet A lost the match.
This popular party consists in going to visit our relations that they aren't now with as because they are dead.
English people (USA, Canada, England,...) celebrate night of 31th of October, called Halloween. In this party, people disguise of monsters, deads, vampires and others.
Children go to different houses to collect sweets...
But in Catalonia, we celebrate "la Castanyada". In this national party we eat "panellets" and some chestnuts.
Here some people in towns and urbanizations celebrate Halloween, too.
Why Real Madrid lost versus Alcorcon
The teenagers
At that time, the teenagers start to smoke, to drink and to smoke cannabis, and drugs.
Internet is so useful, and a lot of peope can have access to Internet.
These are a lot of other utilities of computers.
Barack Obama is the first black president of the USA. He started to govern at the begining of the economical crisis.
He try to spread the peace all the world, mainly in Afganistan, he try to solve the problem of the economical crisis and he try to create social security in the USA, the other presidents of the USA failed with this last proposal.
This year of governament, Barack Obama has worked very hard, in this effort he won the Nobel Prize of Peace.
I think that Barack Obama is a person that can finish with the economical crisis in the world in a short time.
Víctor Urgelés.
The Champions League competition
The comic is one of the most important industries of the World.
In USA, Japan and Europe are so popular. A lot as people buy comics every day and are so many styles and authors and famous characters all over the world. In USA the most famous Company are Marvel ( With the heroes SPIDERMAN and the X-MEN ) and DC ( With Batman and Superman ). A part from famous that companies are the most rich comics business all over the world.
In Europe we have the NORMA EDITORIAL that publishes the most important European comics.
But perhaps, the most known comic style of the world is the Manga. It’s a Japanese style that has spread all over the planet with a lot of mythical series and movies.
In Japan, the most important editorial is Shonen Jump. It’s a magazine that publishes the work of the mangakas ( comic drawers ).
The comic industry is so important for our society, but at the moment, everyone that reads a comic is and ever will be a Freak. What a pity!
Why are so many people visiting
That means that
Olympic games made
the nem computers
In the actuality the computers are very change, for example in the shape: the monitor is plane, the keyboard have more keys (letters, numbers and signs). The computer have more utilities than the past.
But in the near future the computers going to be very portables going to have more speed, connection at internet through inalambric connection for example: WI-FI and it going to be tactile. And you will can have the computer in the mobile.
And that’s all.
the ballet tips
Nowadays people do parties to celebrate this event.
In other countries, for example in Catalunya, people celebrates the “castanyada” .
This type of celebration consist on buying chestnut and makes “panellets” with the family. The panellets are a mass of : eggs, flour, sugar and water. In this mass you can put anything you want, for example: chocolate, almond, coco, pine nut, cherries…
Sometimes, people do an important dinner with the family and friends.
Halloween and the Castanyada are a good excuse to go with friends, staying with the family, make parties and enjoy the celebration.
Lleida is situate in catalonia, it has a castle, the "Mayor street" that is the most inportant for me, because it has all the things that I like, well the majority of the shops in Lleida are in there street.Are different Kind of shops: electronic, clothes, underwear, accesories, bars, restaurants, mobiles, things for the house and others.
My city doesn't have mountain or beaches, it only has a river " el riu Segre". A lot of people go near the river in the weekends, to play football, stay with their friends, to walk, to ride a bycicle or to run. In my wekkends I go out with my friends, we go to Mayor street and also we go to some bars to drink something we normally go to snoppy or tube. But some weekends my family and I go to my village in " Arago" -It is cerler-, like this weekend that we will go with one friend.
My School
In the playground there are three pitches of football, four pitches of basketball, three big pitches and one little pitch.
My school has a pavilion too. It has a big ground, that ground has four basketball pitches and one football pitch. Everyday of the week all the children enter in the school between 8:45 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. But the small children are ruled by other schedules.
We finish school at 5:15 P.M.; but there is an exception, the pupils of baccalaureate end at 3 P.M.
Although, the school offers some extra school activities.
An accident in Lleida
A lot of people of my school play some sports, we are going to explain the two more practised sports: the football indoors and basketball.
There are some teams of Maristes, normally people who plays these sports trains two or three times a week, and plays a basketball match in the weekends, too. The trainers of Maristes are good, they're young people that normally also plays in a basketball team. It's good to play basketball!!!!
Football indoors:
There are some teams of football indoors in Maristes. There are different cathegories, for example: "cadet, juvenil, infantil"... but now, we're going to explain the cathegory of "cadet", because I play football in this cathegory. In this team there are some players, exactly 13, an there are players of 3rd of ESO and players of 4th of ESO, they usually do football matches in the weekends.
This are the two sports, they are played by the people of Maristes, there are some other sports too, but these two are the most important ones.
The chesnut party
One of the most popular party of Catalonia it's the chesnut party, Catalonia is a nation than is in Spain. This party is celebrate on October 31th and this party is very typical eat: chesnuts, potatoes, a different types of mushrooms and the most popular food of this party are the ''panellets'' this food are balls of a paste made with almonds and in a exceptions are made with a different types of dry fruits.
My family celebrate the chesnut party for two important questions:
- Because is a very important party of Catalonia and we follow the catalan customs.
- Because are the saint of me, my father and my grandfather.(Saint Quentin)
In EEUU the same day is very typical celebrate the Halloween party and this are steal the hegemony of catalan customs on the last years but, the typical catalan people follows with ''La Castanyada'' for more years .
Thanks for read our explanation. Bye!