During the s. XIX, in span the population increased, there were two elemental causes: One was the better alimentation than the other years, and the improvement of the basic diet of people.
From 1979 to 1900 the population increasded a 60% in spain, but in Catalonia this growth was higher at the same time.
Rural exode.
During the industrialitzation, people who lives in the mountains, and the interior of the peninsula went to tilve at the coast for two simple reasons, one was the better way of live in the cities, and the other was that in cities near the sea, have built factories and it was easier to find a job. The three basic nucleus of spain were: Madrid, Barcelona and Biscaia.
Types of energy
During the second industrialitzation, the oldest energies were replaced bye the new ones. Coal was replaced by oil, and electricity arrived to towns. The invention of the explowsion engine supposed a bigger advantagte for the meens of transport than web at the time(horses)

We think that this period of time was very important for the development of Catalonia, and for the social reforms that this supposed.
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