Torres de Segre is a village which is between Alcarras, Sudanell ans Soses. It belongs to the Segria's administrative distric, provence of Lleida. It has 3.00 citizens more or less. The Segre's river passes throught the village.
Torres de Segre has a church called "Mare de Déu Assumpta" It also has a church called CEIP Carrassumada. There's no secundary school
because you can study it in Alcarras, the nearest town, or in another center. The pavillion has a stage and a capacity of 2000 persons. In the pavillion you can practice: football, basketball, vollyball, badminton... There you can also do to a disco, concerts...
It's a very rural place where the agrilculture predominates.
In Torres you can find kind and simpathic people. And the best of this village is the fuit
Joan Llompart, Javier Lerín i Fátima Sánchez.
oh,is very interesting this village.
ReplyDeleteSome day we go to torres de segre ;)