Do you know any famous volleyball player? I’m sure that the answer is no. On the other hand if I ask about famous football players you will know hundreds of it. This happens because volleyball is a minority sport but I don’t know why. People aren’t interested in this sport because it isn’t usually at TV and they don’t know how to play it.
Personally, I like volleyball because it’s a team sport that needs to be united to win matches and to play good. Also everyone in the team has and specific role and without this person or role it isn’t possible to play. What is more I like it because there isn’t physical contact with the opponent and for girls I think that it’s good. Boys also play volleyball, but there are few boys that usually do it.

The negative thing of playing nowadays volley in my city is that there aren’t many teams that practice it, and you need to go to another city to find teams or clubs to play with. To sum up, volleyball is the best sport that I could have ever played and I enjoy playing a lot.

Anna Robert

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