Yesterday it was a sad day, yesterday one of the best British actors passed away. Alan Rickman departed. He died yesterday morning because of cancer, at the age of 69, he was alone in his house when the death took him.

In my case, he was one of my favourite actors, I liked all his roles, but there is one that is special for me: Severus Snape, in Harry Potter. It was an actor who knew perfectly the character he had to represent. It has appeared in a lot of films, such as Harry Potter, The Crystal Jungle, Robin Hood or Rasputin.

In some cases he represents good characters but in other cases they were bad, in my opinion, when he was good he was well but when he was bad, he was better.
Also, I have to say, that all the other actors that have worked with him, say that he was a fantastic person that always gave the best of him.

Harry Potter fans think that he said the best sentence in the history of the cinema “Always”, and he said a thing about this word:

It is a shame that he cannot say this to his family but be sure that you will be remembered, ALWAYS.

Raul Jiménez

Pokemon GO

Travel through Pokemon world and the real world with this new app! With “Pokemon go” you can play Pokemon with your phone, but we are innovating, with this app for apple and android you can use your camera to catch new Pokemons!

We use a geolocalization system, to make the players go out and catch them all!

This app is not ready yet but it will be released during 2016, it will be one of the best games this year. Most of Pokemon games used real cities like New York, Paris or Tokyo to inspire their scenarios, but now Pokemon is using the real world!

Also, there will be a device with which, by using led and vibration, will enable you  to know when a Pokemon is near you or a new event is near you, this device will be connected to your phone by Bluetooth.

This is all we know about “Pokemon GO” for the moment, we believe that it will be a really nice game and we hope everyone enjoys it!

My favorite film is The Avengers, the famous film directed by Joss Whedon.
Six superheroes for the price of one ticket: Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the Hulk. A movie that brought together the idols of the Marvel world in one stupendously exciting package.
The main characters are Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston.
It’s about the world will end if Loki, the banished demigod, has his way. Loki hates his brother Thorand desires to destroy Earth with help from an alien army.
Nick Furyhas has one option that’s bringing all the Avengers, a group of paragons with a rep for not playing well with others.
However, this is what I love about this film: the violence, war and fighting makes you want to keep watching to find out what happens.

Don't miss it! There is nothing else like it.