Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is a funny animal cartoon. He was created by Walt Disney at the Walt Disney Studios in 1928. he typically wears red shorts with a two white buttons, yellow shoes and white gloves.
The first time that mickey appared in tv, it was in a test, after he appeared in a short film called steamboat willie in 1928. After that Mickey won the award of the best animated short film.
After that, mickey was a character of a comic strip.
When Walt Disney decided to make a tv show with Mickey, he had a girlfriend who was a mouse and her name was Minnie, and a dog pet whose name was pluto.
After that, Walt Disney decided to make some other cartoons, like the best friend of Mickey who was a duck named Donald and his wife named Daisy, and another friend named Guffy.

Zac Efron

Zac Efron is a Hollywood heartthrob who appears in films and on television, most notably in the High School Musical films. By His acting work he has been awarded the MTV Movie Election and People's Choice.

Born on October 18, 1987, in California, Zac Efron made his first television appearance on the series Firefly. In 2005, Efron landed the lead role in a Disney Channel film called High School Musical.
His father David, an electrical engineer, and mother Starla, an administrative assistant, met while working at the same nuclear power plant.

He owns an apartment in California and a mansion in Beverly Hills. Efron was also on the list of Forbes Celebrity 100 in 2008, at number 92 with an estimated $ 5.8 million.
Additionally, he was featured on the cover of Rolling Stone, which dubbed him "The New American Heartthrob."

Time banking

Time banking 

Despite its still low popularity and its totally different system, time banking has already been used in many countries and the results would seem to be extraordinary. This organization consists on a group of people who decide to make works, which require their abilities, and they are paid with time. In other words, one offers a service for someone and then, he can use the paid hours for asking for another service.  

Although I had never heard about it, it would seem that some developed countries such as the UK and the USA are entirely introduced in this innovative exchange system. However, in our country, there are important cities as Barcelona that are taking up time banking.

On the one hand, there may be some benefits such as the strengthening of help and altruism and the fact that you are more or less “rich in time” in function of your abilities. It does not matter if you are born in a humble family, provided you are able to offer demanded services you can enjoy a comfortable life.

On the other hand, there will always be people against this new system and they will prefer to keep with their loaded bank accounts instead of taking risks and try something new. Moreover, Spain has always been a narrow minded country.

To sum up, time banking could become a useful exchange system which might make our life more comfortable and it could eradicate the difference between rich and poor. However, it might be really hard to convince everybody.  

Sergi Briansó and Marc Arbonés 

Every year in Lleida we celebrate an amazing event where the snail is the central character . We celebrate it on a May weekend in the Camps Elisis.
It’s a very popular date and a lot of people over the world come to live this experience. They can see our beautiful city and they can taste our delicious meal, the snails.
It has its origin in 1980 when José Luis González, Antonio Costa Sumell and Manolo Calpe decided to create this traditional party as a symbol for the city.
In 2002 La Generalitat de Catalunya declared this event as a Festa Tradicional d'Interès Nacional.
Nowadays, 13000 people come to l’Aplec to eat and we call them “penyistes”. Those who come to eat are gathered in different “penyes” (this year, 102), but many other people come to gather with friends or to have a drink. After the event, they have wasted 12 tons of snails, 70.000 liters of beer and 2 million and a half euros.

It’s a fantastic event but you should come to see it for yourselves.

Sergi Cazcarro and Gemma Jaimejuan


L'Aplec Del Caragol is a popular meeting which is held annually, on a weekend in May. It takes place on Champs Elysees in Lleida since 1980.  It is an event where snails are the central characters. Aplec incorporates music, alcohol and parades around the city.
It is very common for the citizens to join in a “penya” and stay there for the whole weekend. In a penya you pay a certain amount of money and you receive food and drink for three days. In a penya people cook by themselves and then they share the food. They also have to wear some special clothes representing the penya. Nowadays there are 102 “penyes.

In 2015 there were 200,000 visitors and twelve tons of snails and 70 tons of alcohol were consumed. There were visitors from Asia, South America… 
Pokémon Sun and Moon

It is time for Pokémon, new games are coming soon! The games were announced worldwide on the 20th Anniversary of the release of Pokémon Red and Green, February 27, 2016, at 12 am JST by Tsunekazu Ishihara through Nintendo Direct.

The paired versions will be released worldwide on November 18, 2016, except in Europe where they will be released on November 23, 2016. All copies of the game are playable in nine languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

As far as we know, the starting Pokémon will be Rowlet (grass) Popplio (water) Litten (Fire), also we know that the new legendary Pokémon will be Lunaala( for Pokémon moon) and Solgaleo (for Pokémon sun). 


The 31st, October, as everybody knows many countries celebrate Halloween. But here in Lleida we don’t usually celebrate it. So the aim of this advertisement is to let you know that this next Halloween, a party will be celebrated in our city, a scary party!

In this party, the guests are supposed to wear a scary costume. You should make an effort if you want to be the winner of the costume contest. Don’t worry if your costume isn’t the best, maybe it’s different to all the other costumes, so that’s why there will be many different kinds of awards, for example: The scariest costume, the most original costume, the best group costume, and some more.

The organization of the party and the contest hope a lot of people will come and enjoy themselves because we still have many surprises to show you! Don’t be "scared" and participate, you will want to repeat next year unless you are dead this next Halloween.

Sara Minguet and Cristina Montaña

A bucket list is a paper where you write all the things you want to do before you die. It comes from the expression “kicked the bucket”, which means the same as die.

There are theories about the origin of this expression. This idiom refers to hanging as a method of execution or suicide. It is called a bucket list because as soon as someone shoots the bucket, the person who is hanged out from the rope, dies.

We think that in Catalonia it is not popular, it comes from the USA and the United Kingdom. This term we have been working about this topic and we have to say that it is a list with a lot of wishes which are not going to become real.

Our bucket list was really funny, our wishes were really unrealistic. The first of all was kissing a frog and becoming a princess, we also wanted to participate in a flash mob, and a very strange one was to swim in a waterfall although we think it can be difficult. We also want to travel around the world and take a picture in every country.

Montse Roca i Pilar Díez

El Sistema

                                                       EL SISTEMA

Nowadays, we think of Venezuela as an undeveloped country, with a communist government and a corrupt democracy. However, not all the ideas and projects which originated in Venezuela have been a disaster, or a way to support Nicolás Maduro. One example would be “El Sistema”.

“El Sistema” is a project that has its origin in 1975 by José Antonio Abreu, a musician and teacher that had a great idea: creating a network of orchestras and choirs all over Venezuela as a way of human organization and humanistic development. It has another big objective too: to help all the people that don’t have access to music or culture because of their socioeconomic status.

Their motto is “Singing, playing and striving”, as they had to fight for 20 years to make their ideas public and to train the conductors. It also means that life is not always easy, but that if you have a dream worth fighting for, even if it is hard, you have to put your soul into everything you do in order to accomplish it.

This system has been a complete success, and it could be applicable in other countries such as Spain.